Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sneak Peek

Since my online shop is still being developed I thought I'd share a few of the 'summer' items that will be available to purchase online soon.

Sizes range from 6 months to 7 years but not every style is available in every size.

Friday, May 22, 2009

For the Environment

I have to admit that I have never been a huge 'save our planet' mind of person.

Sure I recycled if it wasnt too much work. I tried to not waste and to re-use if possible. It was just never a huge part of my life.

Well recently I have been trying to take little steps in improving my commitment to the planet.

Here are some of the things our family is trying to do to better the earth.

1) we recycle everything now. yes that means taking those annoying pieces of plastic off the cardboard boxes and separating them.
2) we re use bags, use cloth grocery bags and even re-usable produce bags (great product by the way).
3) buy in bulk so there is less packaging (this helps on budget too). this is one we are really struggling with as so many foods are over packaged.
4)I've started looking at containers items some in to see if they can be recycled. If they cant I think twice about product.
5)at least once a week I try to use a re-usable coffee cup instead of a to go (I love to-go cups-sorry)
6)drive less if we can.
7)one year old is mostly in cloth diapers now.
8)our new house is a 'green house'. this means it is low energy, high efficiency and is even landscaped to be the best community it can be. the whole water/drainage system is a thing of amazement

I was thinking about watering the plants with collected rain water. but then a big bin of water is a safety hazard for my kids. I'd like to compost but I dont have a veggie garden to use it on and I dont have time to have a veggie garden.
we'd like to drive less but life dictates a bit of driving.

We are trying to find more ways to do more and hopefully will keep adding to the list.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Positive Thinking

(photo has absolutely nothing to with post-just wanted it here)
I have been having a weird thing happen to me lately.
I seem to have the power to 'will' people and things into my life.

Okay so I dont think I have a special power but I am finding it happening too often to just shrug off.

It all started a few weeks ago. I was thinking a lot about a person I hadnt seen in over 3 years. I was wondering how they were, what they were up to, etc. So I kept telling myself that I really wanted to know about this persons recent life. For about a week I thought often about this person. Then it happened-I ran into them at the store.

Okay this person lives in the same city and could happen but it hadnt for three years.

So then I find a contest online. I tell myself I really would like to win it. I keep thinking about winning the prize (nothing big). -Well, I won it. Now I dont win things-ever!

So now is when I realize that these two things have happened after me thinking positively about each of them.

So I want to test it.

I tell myself I want to hear from a friend that I havent spoken to for awhile.
Next day-I get an email from her.

Still, she's a friend and eventually she would have emailed so that was an easy co-incidence.

Now I pick someone harder. An old co-worker that I havent seen from in about 5 years. I dont email her or have her as a facebook friend even. I think she lives within 30 mins of me but still have never seen her in last 5 years. I keep thinking about how I'd like to see her. Well 4 days later-I see her!
Stupid thing is I was so spooked by this that I couldnt even talk to her and just walked the other way.

So now I dont know what to think.
I am not one of those 'think it and it will happen' people.
I am just not that positive ;).
but yet...............

I might just keep trying this thing.

I have another person in my head that I would really like to run into and have in my life again. I am thinking lots about her and trying to 'will' her into my life.

I am pretty sure there is some whole 'movement' like this or some book and such that talks about 'positive thinking'. I am not going to be reading it.

All I know is that it cant hurt to think about people I care about and want them to be in my life again. And even if it doesnt 'bring' them back in maybe it might just encourage me enough to contact some of them myself.

Oh and I'm pretty sure this application to my life wont work with 'material' goods-i'm not going out and buying lotto tickets anytime soon.

(yes I won a contest but I think that was just to make me realize the other had occured.)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Fabrics Galore

I love fabric.

It is usually the inspiration of my products and the creation of new lines for the company.

Apparently there are not enough other people that feel the same way. Several months ago the only fabric store in my city shut down. Okay not that bad-there was another store close to work and I could just make trips then (30 mins away from home). Well now that store has shut down as well.

Now my option involves bridges and rush hour and a major inconvenience. But in some ways this has turned out to be a good thing.

I am now buying more fabric online which allows me to have fabric that all other 'local' companies dont use in their product lines as well. The variety online is much greater and I find more that I really love.

The problem however is that most fabrics online are available from the USA. This means the costs are in US dollars and I often get hit with duty charges on top of shipping. Another problem is that some fabrics are just too heavy to justify shipping charges. It makes no sense for me to order fabric that costs twice the cost to ship it here. All of this results in prices having to go up a bit to cover extra costs. I try as hard as I can to keep costs as reasonable as I can but may have to 'tweek' a few items or re-visit some products.

I hope I can continue to find great fabrics at reasonable prices so I can keep providing high-quality products for great prices!