Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Blog World

I will admit I am relatively new to this whole blog world. I know friends who have had them for years but I never followed anyone till recently. I thought it was a bunch of garble and not worth reading.

Then I actually started reading some blogs this past year. And I was amazed at how much I learned about the people that surround me on a regular basis. I could see someone every week and talk on the phone with them for hours a day and still learn new stuff via their blog. It was then that I realized that its sort of like looking into someone's diary. Personal thoughts that you can't/might not say but can write.

So I joined the blog world. I must admit I have not been all that committed as of yet. Yes, I have the excuse of three kids but so do a lot of other people. I started a personal blog and then a business blog trying to keep both separate. Then I realized a business blog without a personal side is, well, boring. Who wants to just see my products and nothing else? A big part of small business today is buying the business owner. Why would someone want to buy a $7 bib when they can go to Walmart and get 10 for $8??? Well hopefully the quality is one aspect and the originality another, but I know that people buy things from those they like/ feel a similarity to. you can't feel a closeness to someone that doesnt show you any of their personal side.

So I am going to try and do both here. I started my company because I wanted to make products that both parents and babies will love. I wanted to have items that you cant find at the big stores and I wanted to have items that made others ask you where you found it. I hope to always be improving my products and to always find ways to make parenting more stylish and more functional. I am that person that loves a challenge and if you tell me you want an item that is waterproof, folds up, is machine washable and tolerates your child's torment-I will try to make it!

I hope to write something of interest to others and hope that you keep on reading.

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